An Interview with Cortez

Hello Luminaries,

Today, The Luminaries Media in the hunt for awesome personalities, came in contact with the Principal Liaison Officer of The Faculty of Law, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife for year 2014/2015. We bring to you, his person and intricate details about him. In the next thirty questions, more of him shall be revealed. You can also ask him your questions via the comment box below.


An Exclusive Interview with Cortez, 2014/2015 Principal Liaison OFficer, Faculty of Law, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.

LM: Let's meet you?

Cortez: I am Adedigba Daniel popularly and If I may say politically known as Cortez, the Principal Liaison Officer (PLO) of the Law Students' Society, Obafemi Awolowo University. I am with a strong desire to be the change the society needs. A fighter of just courses and of course a practicing lawyer in few years to come.

LM: What motivated you to run for the post of Principal Liaison Officer?

Cortez: A strong passion to change things. A strong desire to serve. Mahatma Ghandi in his truckload of wisdom has made it known that every man is a catalyst of change but you be that which you desire to see. In a matter of weeks, my "PLOship" will be over, but the impact I am leaving behind will pass on to other generations eternally, with or without credit. The programmes we initiated will still continue, and the beneficiaries are our greatest achievement. It has largely been a collective work.

LM: How has it been working with the Luminaries?

Cortez: The Luminaries are awesome. They have proved sensible and carry a lot of "intellectual stuff"... I must commend their cooperating spirit. The Luminaries have made the post of the PLO almost unnecessary with their strong commitment to duty and responsibilities. IFELAW Luminaries made a perfect rebuttal to the common saying that "human beings are the most difficult resource to manage" cause they made the service a hobby. Luminaries have proved excellent in areas of sport, Academics and Social Life.

LM: Any special particular moment?

Cortez:Quite numerous but none has graduated to be 'Particular'.

LM: How have you combined being PLO with being a Law student?

Cortez: It has been quite difficult, but I have been successful, I must say. I have done both quite well and I will continue until the end of my tenure. PLO has no doubt taken its toll on my GP *laughs, but it is not as much as it could have possibly been. I was well aware of all those before full involvement and I must say I shall recover it all.

LM: Has the position robbed you of any other thing, academically or otherwise?

Cortez: Yea Yea, 'Bae' is gone and Maybe my social life *smiles, my relationship with some people is not as close as it used to be. I have also lost a bit of reading time. I will however recover the social aspect. I am an all-rounder student with a wholistic approach.

LM: Your PLOship has witnessed a particular unprecedented stint of academic success particularly in the EGL and LIT performance, what do you attribute this to?

Cortez: Nothing else but the spectacular doggedness and cooperating hands of the Luminaries. The LSS tutorial is a quick reference at this point. Similarly, we were able to start and compile the first ever PLO MODEL ANSWERS, deviating from the routinely way of giving freshmen "problems without solution" but what if the Luminaries had ignored the book? They have done me quite proud. A lot of successes from their generation. The PLO Model Answer was quite useful based on the comments it has received. I appreciate all hands responsible for a successful compilation.

To be continued...

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